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The Serenity Blog

Helping you travel the road to

Inner Peace and Healing

What Are We Waiting For?

Do you have ideas that you don't follow up on? Honestly, this can refer to anything and everything - from our small everyday notions and ideas to those that could have a larger impact on our life. Now, I would add that not all of the ideas and thoughts we come up with have merit, but what about those that

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Awareness, Life Lessons, Belief, Making Choices, Starting Something New

Are You Driving On The Negativity or Positivity Road?

I had an interesting conversation with someone on a bus at Disney World. The woman next to me asked a question and I answered. She then proceeded to head down negativity road and remained there for the entire 15 minute ride. She went over the same 'key' points of her stories a number of times. She asked if I agreed or had experienced the same....

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Awareness, Let It Go, Life Lessons

How Do You View Change?

As the change of seasons draw closer, can you feel the change in the air? In my part of the world once August hits you can definitely feel it. The early mornings and nights grow colder and people always seem a bit surprised when the first leaves begin to change colour. "It seems early this year, doesn't

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Awareness, Let It Go, Life Lessons

What's Your Story? Do You Have One?

Does your story define you? Do you know what I mean by that? For quite a few years mine did. Until I got tired of it. My beautiful friend Sarah and I were hosting a retreat in October 2016. As I began to tell my story I suddenly realized that I was sooo tired of it - of replaying the events again. I wasn't the same person anymore and it no longer...

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Awareness, Let It Go, Life Lessons

Do You Have An Inner Critic Or An Inner Cheerleader?

I have a question for you. Do you celebrate? Do you celebrate you? I would hazard to say that for most of us, we are very good at celebrating others achievements and less so at celebrating our own accomplishments. You don't have to shout it out loud. It can be the quiet voice that inside of you says 'Yeah!!!!!' 'Yes!!!!' Or you do a little happy...

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Awareness, Inspiration, Perspective

A Tip To Help When You're Feeling Stressed

Stress is something that we all experience. Whether it’s good stress or bad stress, we all need to find a way to cope and live with it. Which sometimes can be easier said than done! There are times when stress spirals into an unending loop of mind chatter. At other times it can lead to heightened anxiety. So what can you do when this is

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Being More Peaceful, Stress Relief, Meditation


Do you believe that you live with abundance? Or do you live in ‘lack?’ I recently finished a book that talked about money blocks and abundance consciousness, but this really concerns more than just our finances. One of the concepts that jumped out at me was looking at how we ‘make-do’ or ‘put up with’

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Awareness, Belief, Learning Lessons, Making Choices

The Stories We Tell Ourselves

Have you ever had thoughts like these? “When I meditate I must be doing it wrong because I can’t stop thinking.” “My spouse/partner/family/friend/co-worker should know that I want/don’t want to do ______.” “This weekend I planned to do _________ and now its not working out at

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Steps To Serenity, Learning Lessons, Life Lessons, Inspiration, Video, Making Choices

Take The Step

When we start out trying something new, we never know where that journey will take us. If you had told me ten years ago, at the beginning of the last decade that I would be doing what I’m doing now, I would have looked at you like you had two heads. It wasn’t that I wasn’t open to possibilities, but rather that I was so ensconced in what I was...

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Steps To Serenity, Learning Lessons, Life Lessons, Inspiration, Video, Making Choices

What Does Your Heart Want?

It’s the beginning of a new year and everywhere I look I’m seeing references to making resolutions and setting goals. I’m not knocking them and I know the ‘rules’ of goal-setting. But what does your heart want? Do you listen to it? It’s so easy to listen to the voices in our head - that are often telling us a story that may or may not be

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Steps To Serenity, Inspiration, Video, Making Choices, Awareness, Being More Peaceful, Perspective, Gratitude

So You Want To Meditate. Does It Matter Why?

In the past couple of weeks I’ve come across a few articles and videos that are questioning and critical of why people are meditating or how they’re meditating. I’ve given it some thought and tried to look at it from the various perspectives of the authors. My conclusion is that I can see their points but I don’t think I

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Steps To Serenity, Video, Making Choices, Being More Peaceful, Meditation, Meditation Benefits, Types Of Meditation

Life Isn't Going Your Way? Three Steps To Help Get Through It.

We all have events happen in our life that aren’t of our choosing or are unexpected. They may be minor irritants or something more major, but in any case they cause unwanted stress. I learned a strategy from davidji called CFL - and for my fellow Canadians reading, that doesn’t mean the Canadian Football League. It isn’t always easy to do, but it...

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Steps To Serenity, Inspiration, Video, Making Choices, Awareness, Being More Peaceful, Perspective, Gratitude

The Gratitude Chain and You

Have you heard of a gratitude chain? We can practice it together right now. Imagine a favourite upholstered chair in your home. Be grateful for that chair and that you have it. If we go back to the beginning of its manufacture, we can follow a long chain of gratitude. Be grateful for the person who harvested the wood from the forest, be grateful...

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Steps To Serenity, Inspiration, Video, Making Choices, Awareness, Being More Peaceful, Perspective, Gratitude

How Do You Make Choices?

There’s an old saying - ‘when the going gets tough, the tough get going.’ While that may be good for some situations, I think it can also lay a heavy burden on someone’s shoulders. When I was struggling with what was happening in my previous business, phrases like that kept me

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Steps To Serenity, Learning Lessons, Life Lessons, Inspiration, Video, Making Choices

Do You Remember To Be Good To You?

My step-father, who knows me well, gave me the perfect birthday card with a beautiful poem for living an inspired heart-filled life. I wanted to share it with you. Take from it what you need. Take from it what you need as a reminder. And then watch the video below for more

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Steps To Serenity, Video, Perspective, Making Choices, Awareness, Inspiration, Archetypes

Results Aren't Always What We Planned

When we start to do, build, or plan something we all have certain expectations as to how it will turn out. After all, isn’t that part of the reason we’re doing it in the first place? However…..what happens when our expectations aren’t met? Is the creation then a complete failure or are you able to see it in another

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Go With The Flow, Being More Peaceful, Steps To Serenity, Video, Non-Attachment, Let It Go, Life Lessons, Perspective

When You Make A Choice - Is The Outcome Worth It?

Every day we make choices in our life. Some are easy and some are not. When I was at the beginning of my healing journey - although I didn’t know that was what it was at the time - I took a wonderful two-day workshop with a gentleman named Keith Kochner. He referred to the choices we make as The Exchange. If there is something you want in your...

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Life Lessons, Go With The Flow, Perspective, Making Choices

A Lesson in Non-Attachment and Letting Go

Is it possible to love something and practice non-attachment at the same time? In his book The Heart of The Buddha’s Teaching, Thich Nhat Hanh writes “Letting go is an ongoing practice, one that can bring us a lot of happiness….Letting go gives us freedom, and freedom is the only condition for

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Life Lessons, Let It Go, Non-Attachment