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Glenda van Koot, June 22 2023

Front Row Living

Have you ever read something, that just in a few lines can have a profound affect on your thinking? On your life? 

I saw this image shared on Facebook by my friend Debbie. Perhaps you’ve seen it too. I’ve seen the same picture posted since then with slightly different wording, but it was this caption that grabbed me - and it still does.

When I saw it that day, February 11 2013, I saved it, printed it and taped it to the wall beside my bathroom mirror. it’s still there.

The reason it resonated so profoundly was because it brought me to the realization that I lived my life in the third row.

Yes, I’d had wonderful experiences and fun in my life, but I never really let myself express the joy like those front row ladies.

I was always ‘contained’ so to speak. I remember my mom when she was with my children, and thinking that I never heard her have such joyful laughter as when she was with them.

As I reflect back now, I realize that perhaps its because in those moments, there are no masks or guards or separation from what is being experienced - you can just ‘be’.

You Have A Choice

On the day that I taped this picture to the wall, I can clearly remember deciding I wanted to live my life like the ladies in the first row. I could make a conscious choice - no more third row living.

If you look at that picture - where do you fit? Maybe you’re in the second row - almost to the full whole-hearted laughter of the first row.

I’m never going to be the boisterous life of the party - that’s just not me. But I can be in that front row in other ways - or at the very least get to the second row. I can do it when I say Yes instead of No. I can do it when I put on my brave hat and try something new.

I’m heading to Costa Rica again in July for more Qigong training with my teacher - and this time my personal challenge was to book the room at the highest point on the mountain.

It has a beautiful view but its a long way up a stone path in the dark with only the light of a headlamp. But for me - that’s a first row living choice.

I didn’t realize as I started to write that it’s almost six years to the day since I saw that picture. Oh the irony! I’m still a work in progress but as I look back I can see how far I’ve come and I’m grateful.

That first row thinking helped put me on the path that I’m now on and the more I’m able to stay present and in the moment - thank you meditation! - the more joy I’m able to feel and express.

One of my Core Desired Feelings from my Desire Map work is to be Genuine. No masks, no barriers, no role-playing - just me. First row living! What you see is what you get and do you know what? It’s liberating!

So….."you can choose to live your life with the joy of the front row or solemness of the third row.” Think about it - where are you living and what choice will you make?

I'll see you on the path. 

Namaste,   Glenda                                                                       

Written by

Glenda van Koot


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