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Glenda van Koot, June 22 2023

Don't Be Afraid To Be A Beginner

As I finally sit down to write this first blog post I need to heed my own message - don't be afraid to be a beginner! Its not that I don't like to write; research and essays were one of my favourite things to do in my later university years. But getting started and actually doing more than just thinking about it.... that is often my challenge and sometimes I need a little courage to get started. 

When the lightbulb finally went off and I realized that meditation helped me feel better every day, I thought about teaching. I wanted to share the peace that it  brought me with other people who were suffering from the stress in their lives. I didn't pursue it at the time as I thought it was just another one of my ideas that wouldn't work. (if you've read my About page, you may understand why) 1 1/2 years later I enrolled in my meditation teaching certification with davidji. The idea had stayed with me and as they sometimes say, when the time is right the opportunity will appear. 

I spoke to davidji about my fears of being a beginner and my lack of formal experience in this realm. That was when I first heard the phrase "Beginners Mind'. He told me that this would actually be an advantage for me. I was not beginning our studies with a lot of preconceived notions about the teachings and how things should be. My mind would be open to receiving without any prior prejudice to new philosophies and concepts. 

When we first began our group calls and as we finished the course, I was so in awe of many of my classmates who had obviously been on this path longer than me. Of course, I also thought everyone knew more than me! And maybe they did about some things, but you know, when it comes right down to it, it just didn't matter.

We all have our own paths, our own stories and backgrounds, our own realizations. We all bring something unique to the table. We have our own 'aha' moments that wake us up to the idea that maybe we do know more than we think we do.

Don't be afraid or discouraged to try something new - something that is outside of your comfort zone. I like to call it 'putting on my brave hat'.  I'm doing it now and I did it last week when I appeared on davidji's weekly Hay House Radio show. That was definitely something new for me - and you know what? It was fun! I felt inspired by what I talked about then and what I'm writing about now.

Be a Beginner!

So whatever it is that you need or want to try or start - go for it! You are worthy of being open to whatever that is - whatever goal you are reaching for - big or small.  I heard the difference between change and transformation described as this: When we change something we can always change it back - for instance our hair colour, what we eat, where we live, the paint on our walls. But when something is transformed - there is no going back.

Allow yourself to be transformed. When we begin our retreats we remind everyone to approach our teachings with a true Beginners Mind. Be open and see with new eyes. Your perspective may change or it may stay the same. Meditation started my transformation and now that I'm on this path there is no getting off of it. The journey continues and I'm forever grateful that I took that leap of faith, beat down my fears, and took the first step.

I'll see you on the path. 

Namaste,  Glenda                                                                                                                                                    

Written by

Glenda van Koot


Newer Hidden in the Heart